alice-teacher Google Chrome Book

Pigatt, Yvonne ypigatt at
Sun Oct 15 18:50:26 EDT 2017

You may want to research Virtual Private Network.

There are free VPNs - review article at<>.

Students can then access the VPN     Where you have installed Alice.

I work at a college and we provide VPN access to our students.

Vicky Pigatt
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 15, 2017, at 5:25 PM, Keith Golebie <kgolebie at<mailto:kgolebie at>> wrote:

I am having the same issue - i agree that Alice is the best tool for this, and am trying a work-around for Chromebooks.

You can run Linux on a Chromebbok with tools like Crouton -

- and then should be able to run Alice 2 or 3 from there. My high school also just issued Chromebooks to every student. Fortunately, the computer labs are still PCs and MACs, so we are OK in school. To be honest, I haven't tried this yet, but have spoken to several who have, and plan to try this solution this week.


Mr. Golebie

kgolebie at<mailto:kgolebie at>

Computer Technology Teacher

Rm 201 & 202

Lincoln High School

Ellwood City Area School District

Ellwood City PA  16117

724-752-1591 x3202

Mr. Golebie

kgolebie at<mailto:kgolebie at>

Computer Technology Teacher

Rm 201 & 202

Lincoln High School

Ellwood City Area School District

Ellwood City PA  16117

724-752-1591 x3202

On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Dean Cristol <dcristol123 at<mailto:dcristol123 at>> wrote:

Many of the schools I work with have or about to purchase Google Chrome Books . For those of us who work in higher education and work with PK-12 schools, there has been a dramatic shift in hardware to Chrome Books.

Does  anyone know a work around to get Alice downloaded on Chrome Books?  I spoke to a couple of my contacts at Google and they say I should use their products found in Coding with Chrome<> which is fine, but I think Alice is the best program to get teachers and students interested in programming.

Dean Cristol
Ohio State University

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