alice-teacher Alice 3 not running / script not appearing

Leonel Morales litomd at
Sat Jan 7 16:08:23 EST 2017

I have seen this happening to students:

They inadvertently click on the "InitializeEventListeners" tab and
think they are doing fine because their code runs but then, when they
close and open again the project they see the "MyFirstMethod" empty
and think it is gone.

Messing with the "InitializeEventListeners" tab can lead to unexpected
consequences so it is a good place to check.

Other than that... well, I don't know. I would like to see the project
if possible.



2017-01-06 10:38 GMT-06:00, Ann Kieser via alice-teachers
<alice-teachers at>:
> I have a student who was working on an Alice Project. Opened it the next
> day and it would not run. She can see all of the script just fine on her
> machine.
> I had her send me the project. When I opened it, her method script does not
> appear. I see her opening scene...that is it.
> Any ideas? File corrupted?
> Thank you

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