alice-teacher Submitting Alice programs in Schoology

Parker, Polly polly.parker at
Tue Mar 15 14:26:53 EDT 2016

I've been using Schoology with Alice files for 3 years. It's clean and
organized and once you get the steps down, grading goes fairly fast.

A student simply submits their Alice .a2w file. As the teacher, I download
that file and double-click on it to open it in Alice and run/evaluate their
program. If you haven't told Windows to use Alice to open a2w files, then
you might have to go into Alice and use File/Open to open the file instead
of double-clicking. Nothing else is needed.

My students turn in Office files, Google Docs, Scratch files, and of course
Alice files all into Schoology.

Polly Parker
*Technology Teacher*
*Jefferson Jr/Sr High School* <>
*polly.parker at* <polly.parker at>
*(440) 576-4731 x1102*
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