alice-teacher Alice 3 SIGCSE 2016 Workshop

Donald Slater dslater+ at
Fri Jan 29 10:24:15 EST 2016

For everyone attending or thinking about attending SIGCSE, 2016 in Memphis, TN:

Workshop #412: Transition to Java Using Alice 3 (room: Cotton Row) - Saturday, 3:00 - 6:00 pm

Donald Slater, Alice Project, Carnegie Mellon University 

Wanda Dann, Alice Project, Carnegie Mellon University 

This workshop, designed for pre-AP, Introduction to Programming, Programming for non-majors, and CS1 Java courses, will introduce the tools in Alice 3 that are specifically designed to support a transition to Java and will provide experience with the software, a new textbook, and the available course materials. The workshop offers hands-on experience in programming with Alice 3 and Java, together. Participants will see how to use Alice 3 to build virtual worlds and how to transfer these programs into a Java IDE. The workshop will also explore curricular design and implementation. Alice 3 uses built-in tools including a Java language display that dynamically updates and displays the Java syntax as students build their Alice project, and a plugin for a Java IDE that allows students to start their projects in Alice and then continue their work by writing Java code. These tools allow students to develop animations and simple games using objects in a truly object-oriented style.
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