alice-teacher Alice 3.3 Released

Eric Brown ewbrown at
Tue Aug 23 13:59:04 EDT 2016

Hello All,

We are excited to announce a new release of Alice 3 versions 3.3.  It is packed with great new models, new features, and a lot of great bug fixes.  We apologize that the timing may be coinciding with lots of other start of semester activities making it a challenge to get the new version loaded on networks.  We were a little delayed in the release because we wanted to make sure we were releasing the best version possible.

You can read more about the release here:

With a full set of release notes here:

Thank you for all of your support and best wishes on the start of a new school year.  



Eric Brown
Interim Director
The Alice Project
Carnegie Mellon University
e: ewbrown at

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