alice-teacher Billboards in Alice 2

Distler, Chari DistlerC at NBPS.ORG
Tue Sep 22 12:04:44 EDT 2015

Hi Don,
The newest version of Alice 2 makes it difficult to insert billboards using a Mac.
Seems to show shortcuts on pc's
There used to be a shortcut on the Mac version to the home of the user account.
Now it takes you to Texture Maps folder in Alice.
Students have to take a long path to find Images they have saved in the folder they created for class on their desktop.
Students need to:

Click the arrows to the right of Texture Maps

 *   Choose Mac Hard Drive
 *   Choose Users
 *   Choose Current User
 *   Choose Desktop
 *   Choose Folder that Alice Worlds are located in

Is there any way to get the shortcut back or is there a simpler way to do this?
Chari Distler
North Broward Preparatory School
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