alice-teacher Test for Alice 2.4.3

Don Slater dslater at
Wed Jun 3 08:04:37 EDT 2015

Alice Level 2 will continue to be supported for the foreseeable future. There are no plans to retire this tool. As you pointed out, it has very useful features not currently available in Alice Level 3, and we do consider it a more appropriate tool for younger students, and for courses in which students have no expectation to going on to a professional programming language, such as Java.

We also consider it a reasonably mature tool, and so it is in more of a support than active development mode. So our concentration is more on bug fixes, and making sure that it will continue to run on new versions of different operating systems. However, we do add features that the community makes clear is important to them. For example, a Spanish language translation was developed, and we are now preparing an Arabic translation. And we continue to develop new models for it.

I hope this answer helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

All the best,
Don Slater

> On Jun 2, 2015, at 2:56 PM, Leonel Morales <litomd at> wrote:
> Sounds great! I really missed sometimes being able to use accented
> characters when using or teaching with Alice 2.x (99.9% of the time I
> teach in Spanish).
> One big question, how long will Alice 2.x continue being developed and
> supported? There are important features in it that make it attractive
> to use.
> Thanks for sharing!
> 2015-06-01 16:38 GMT-06:00, Michael L Owen <mrgrog at>:
>> Everyone please notice that Alice 2.4.3 has now been officially released.
>> So much has been done, so check out the list of fixes.
>> One improvement is that Alice 2.4.3 can now handle Unicode characters. I'm
>> attaching an example program that I put together to demonstrate how this
>> feature can be used. No, it isn't a game, so just follow Robbie's
>> instructions. Thanks to the Alice team, Aik Min Choong, and those mentioned
>> in the Storyline for helping me complete it.
>> It's zipped by the way
>> Have Fun-
>> Mike Owen
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