alice-teacher Can't move any objects

Leslie Brommer Leslie.Brommer at
Tue Jan 13 14:53:57 EST 2015


I am new to Alice and I'm using Alice 3.1.  Several times while editing the Scene, all of a sudden I cannot move any objects. I can click on the objects, but none of the handle styles actually work. The arrows show up, but clicking on them does nothing. We can run the animation or switch to the code editor just fine, but can't move the camera or any objects. This has happened to me and some of my students. We have to close Alice and open the project up again to get out of that mode.

I don't know if we have clicked on something or if it's a glitch in Alice, but if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Leslie Brommer
Houston High School
Computer Science Teacher
Skills USA Sponsor
leslie.brommer at
(901) 756-2370

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