alice-teacher s Digest, Vol 54, Issue 8

Maya A. Donnelly MGerfen at
Thu Feb 12 15:15:53 EST 2015


My name is Maya. I teach at an elementary school and would love to work with another classroom on Alice. How do I save in Alice since it's not an online program?


From: at < at> on behalf of alice-teachers-request at <alice-teachers-request at>
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:02 PM
To: alice-teachers at
Subject: alice-teachers Digest, Vol 54, Issue 8

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Today's Topics:

   1.  searching teatcher who use ALICE at school (all over     the
      world) (c.oustalet at
   2.  Alice Training? (Don Slater)
   3. Re:  Alice Training? (Brenda Cloyed)
   4. Re:  Alice Training? (Frank Hulsman)
   5. Re:  Alice Training? (Keith Golebie)
   6. Re:  Alice Training? (Lori Fuller)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 15:07:18 +0100 (CET)
From: c.oustalet at
Subject: alice-teacher searching teatcher who use ALICE at school (all
        over    the world)
To: alice-teachers at
        <1004392159.2348225.1423663638688.JavaMail.zimbra at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Traduit avec google traduction Translated with google translation

Christophe OUSTALET

Directeur Ecole Jules FERRY

13 rue de la denisi?re


Mail : c.oustalet at

Skype : christophe.oustalet

Christophe OUSTALET
School Director Jules FERRY
13 rue de la denisi?re
Mail: c.oustalet at
Skype: christophe.oustalet

Je m?appelle Christophe OUSTALET j?ai 57 ans.

Je suis directeur d?une petite ?cole de 4 classes avec 101 ?l?ves.

Premi?re classe : Nursery : 3 ? 4 ans + Pre-Kindergarten 4-5 ans : 24 ?l?ves

Deuxi?me classe : Kindergarten :5-6 ans + 1 st Grade : 6-7 ans : 23 ?l?ves

Troisi?me classe : 2 nd Grade7-8 ans + 3 rd Grade 8-9 ans : 25 ?l?ves

Quatri?me classe (la mienne) : 4 th Grade 9-10 ans + 5 th Grade 10-11 ans : 31 ?l?ves

My name is Christopher OUSTALET I have 57 years.
I am the director of a small school of 4 classes with 101 students.
First Class : Nursery : 3 - 4 years + Pre- Kindergarten 4-5 years: 24 students
Second Class : Kindergarten : 5-6 years + 1st Grade : 6-7 years: 23 students
Third Class : 2nd + 3rd Grade Grade7-8 years 8-9 years: 23 students
Fourth Class (mine ): 4th Grade 5th Grade 9-10 + 10-11 : 31 students

Notre ?cole est dans un petit village de 1000 habitants ? 15 km du MANS (ville c?l?bre pour sa course automobile des 24 H).

Notre village est ? 200 km ? l?ouest de Paris. Comme commerce, nous avons un bar-tabac, une boulangerie, un fleuriste, un restaurant et une petite ?picerie. Voil? pour les pr?sentations.

Our school is in a small village of 1000 habitants 15 km from MANS ( famous for its racing car 24 H).
Our village is 200 km west of Paris. As trade, we have a bar -tabac, a bakery, a florist, a restaurant and a small grocery store . That was the pr?sentation.

Groupes de travail Working Groups

(CE2) 3th grade: 13 students

(CM1) 4 th grade: 18 students

(CM2) 5 th grade: 13 students

Voici quelques id?es qui pourraient ?tre travaill?es

Here are some ideas that could be worked

Le langage The langage

Mes ?l?ves ?crivent dans un premier temps en fran?ais et utilisent google traduction pour les correspondants qui le souhaitent. La correspondance se fera par mail.

My students write at first in French and use google translate for callers who wish. Correspondence will be by email .

La pr?sentation The presentation

Chaque enfant pourrait se pr?senter sous forme d?un petit texte en expliquant ses gouts ?

Each child could be in the form of a small text explaining his tastes ...

Le travail The work

Je pense que l?on peut travailler ensemble sur plusieurs points toujours en ?changeant :

Une classe commence une histoire et l?envoie ? une ?cole qui elle la poursuit et l?envoie ? son tour ? une autre ?cole.

I think we can work together on several points still exchanging :
A class starts a story and sends it to a school that she continues and in turn sends to another school .

Une autre id?e serait que si un ?l?ve a trouv? quelque chose de nouveau avec Alice 3 il l?envoie ? toutes les classes des correspondants.

Another idea would be that if a student has found something new with Alice 3 sends it to all classes of correspondents.

Et enfin un ?l?ve n?arrive pas ? r?aliser une action avec Alice 3, il envoie une demande ? toutes les classes des correspondants.

And finally a student can not perform an action with Alice 3 , it sends a request to all classes of correspondents .

Voil? j?esp?re que vous serez int?ress?s, mais si vous d?autres id?es elles seront les bienvenues.

Here I hope you will be interested , but if you have other ideas will be welcome.

En esp?rant vous lire bient?t, amicalement

Hope to hear from you soon , friendly

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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 12:06:34 -0500
From: Don Slater <dslater at>
Subject: alice-teacher Alice Training?
To: Alice Teachers <alice-teachers at>
Message-ID: <46DD316D-168D-458E-A357-F23E1C53350D at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Date:   Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:53:46 -0500
From:   Tamara Mazza <tamara.mazza at> <mailto:tamara.mazza at>

I am reaching out to as many people as possible to find away to not attend a 2 week or a week long training that is only offered in the summer time.

Have you heard any success from any online courses that are out there?  I found 2 online courses and wanted to make sure that I am not being scammed. <> <>

I would greatly appreciate any advice as I am looking to order your book to teach this course.

Tamara Mazza

Computers - 6, 7, & 8th Grade
Student Government Advisor
Stallion Today (Middle and Lower School Daily Announcements)
Click here to View <>

 American Heritage School
Knowledge o Integrity o Compassion

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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 12:20:36 -0600
From: Brenda Cloyed <brenda.cloyed at>
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Training?
To: Alice educators <alice-teachers at>
        <CAKyRrgd2kcvUWwnH9OKr9=XhrzapK3j3JxP7vpceBAOxDLb2rg at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I'm just teaching myself by using the book. So far, it's pretty easy - I
have two students trying it with me.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:06 AM, Don Slater <dslater at> wrote:

> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:53:46 -0500From: Tamara Mazza
> <tamara.mazza at> <tamara.mazza at>
> I am reaching out to as many people as possible to find away to not attend
> a 2 week or a week long training that is only offered in the summer time.
> Have you heard any success from any online courses that are out there?  I
> found 2 online courses and wanted to make sure that I am not being scammed.
> I would greatly appreciate any advice as I am looking to order your book
> to teach this course.
> --
> *Sincerely, *
> *Tamara Mazza*
> *Computers - 6, 7, & 8th Grade*
> *Student Government Advisor*
> *Stallion Today (Middle and Lower School Daily Announcements)*
> *Click here to View <>*
>  American Heritage School
> *Knowledge* o *Integrity* o *Compassion*
> _______________________________________________
> alice-teachers mailing list
> alice-teachers at

Brenda Cloyed
Moravia Community School
505 North Trussell
Moravia, Iowa 52571
brenda.cloyed at
641-724-3241 ext. 155

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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 18:47:41 +0000 (UTC)
From: Frank Hulsman <frankhulsman at>
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Training?
To: Alice educators <alice-teachers at>,
        "tamara.mazza at" <tamara.mazza at>
        < at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I have not taken either of these courses... if you've ever taken computer programming, or been a programmer, you will find Alice easy to use and learn. ?The two courses you are contemplating teach alice version 2... which is very appropriate for 6-8 grades. ?
There are some training materials, mostly for alice version 3, at
Don't know who is telling you that you have to go to a 2 week course, but it is very reasonable to learn alice through one of these, or some other online tutorial. ?Alice 2.0 has tutorials built into it, which I found very helpful the first time I learned it. ?ALSO... if you plan to use a book to teach the course, reading the book and working through the examples would help you learn to program, using Alice.
Frank HulsmanSaint Xavier High SchoolLouisville, Ky?
      From: Don Slater <dslater at>
 To: Alice Teachers <alice-teachers at>
 Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:06 PM
 Subject: alice-teacher Alice Training?

| Date:? | Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:53:46 -0500 |
| From:? | Tamara Mazza?<tamara.mazza at> |

I am reaching out to as many people as possible to find away to not attend a 2 week or a week long training that is only offered in the summer time.?
Have you heard any success from any online courses that are out there?? I found 2 online courses and wanted to make sure that I am not being scammed. ?

I would greatly appreciate any advice as I am looking to order your book to teach this course.?

Tamara Mazza
Computers - 6, 7, & 8th Grade
Student Government AdvisorStallion Today (Middle and Lower School Daily Announcements)Click here to View

alice-teachers mailing list
alice-teachers at

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:22:48 -0500
From: "Keith Golebie" <kgolebie at>
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Training?
To: "'Alice educators'" <alice-teachers at>
Message-ID: <00bc01d046f9$4bde1130$e39a3390$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

There will be at least one training at CMU this summer, check for
dates (don't know if the date has been finalized, yet) and there will be
training courses, including a 2 week session, held at Duke University -

There may be others. For example, I'll be doing some PD for other teachers
in my area, on using Alice in the classroom, they will vary in length and
time, and although they aren't in your area, you may find some out there.

There is also a course called Getting Started with JAVA using Alice 3 at
Oracle Academy, and it's free.

Keith Golebie

Mr. Golebie

kgolebie at

Computer Technology Teacher

Rm 201 & 202

Lincoln High School

Ellwood City Area School District

Ellwood City PA  16117

724-752-1591 x3202

From: at
[ at lists.andrew.cmu.e
du] On Behalf Of Don Slater
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:07 PM
To: Alice Teachers
Subject: alice-teacher Alice Training?


Wed, 11 Feb 2015 14:53:46 -0500


Tamara Mazza  <mailto:tamara.mazza at> <tamara.mazza at>

I am reaching out to as many people as possible to find away to not attend a
2 week or a week long training that is only offered in the summer time.

Have you heard any success from any online courses that are out there?  I
found 2 online courses and wanted to make sure that I am not being scammed.

I would greatly appreciate any advice as I am looking to order your book to
teach this course.



Tamara Mazza

Computers - 6, 7, & 8th Grade

Student Government Advisor

Stallion Today (Middle and Lower School Daily Announcements)

Click here to View <>

  <>  American
Heritage School

Knowledge o Integrity o Compassion

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Message: 6
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 14:49:57 -0500
From: "Lori Fuller" <lori.fuller at>
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Alice Training?
To: alice-teachers at
        <fc.0119ec076afa7c4d3b9aca00a80bf7e9.6afa7fc8 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Introduction to Alice 2 with tutorials.


Lori Fuller, M.Ed.
Monarch High School
Career Technology Department Head
Technology Coordinator
Asst. Athletic Director

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