alice-teacher Glitch with Alice 3 and black screen

Don Slater dslater at
Thu Jan 30 14:25:01 EST 2014

In looking at your code, I see that all of your program code has been placed in the performCustomSetup method of the Scene class. This method is defined to execute code that should happen before the Runtime Window is drawn and the rest of the program is executed. And I believe this is what was causing your display problems.

I have moved all of the code that was in performCustomSetup into myFirstMethod of the Scene class, and it now seems to be executing correctly. I have attached this corrected version.

(BTW, Having just seen the play Wicked, I really enjoyed this project)

Please let us know if you continue to have problems.

Don Slater

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On Jan 30, 2014, at 1:21 PM, Emily Higgins <erphiggins at> wrote:

> Hello All -
>  I am having a problem in which a program gives a black screen when played.  I have attached the program.  Any ideas why this happens?  We tried transferring the program from one computer to another, removing all commands, etc., but still - a black screen.  
> Thanks,
> Emily Higgins
> Boothbay Region High School
> Boothbay Harbor, Maine
> <wicked2.a3p>_______________________________________________
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