alice-teacher What's the most effective way to teach Alice?

Bryant Lazenby lazenbyb at
Fri Feb 7 19:01:54 EST 2014

I am interested in this information as well. Currently, my high schoolers work through Alice as an independent study course. But I would like to know what everyone else does as well.

Bryant Lazenby

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 7, 2014, at 4:37 PM, "Kelly Cockrell" <kcockrell at<mailto:kcockrell at>> wrote:

Hi there:

I teach Alice to 7th graders as part of a computer coding class.

I am curious to hear from other middle/highschool teachers about how you teach with Alice.  Do you have kids work through lessons as self-study?  Do you walk through the lessons with them step-by-step on a smart board?  Do they  go through a lesson and then create  a demonstrative world of what they have learned?    What have you found to be the most effective?

Any information is very much appreciated.

Thanks so much,

Kelly Cockrell
Computer Science and Technology Teacher
The Meadows School
Las Vegas, NV 89128

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