alice-teacher Fwd: Using Alice in High Schools

Don Slater dslater at
Tue Aug 26 13:01:20 EDT 2014

A request from a teacher in the Dayton, Ohio area seeking information from teachers who are using Alice. She would be especially interested in hearing from teachers in the Dayton area.

Thank you,
Don Slater

Alice Team
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Office phone: (412) 268-4370
Email: don at

I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
--- Henry David Thoreau

The true object of all human life is play. -- G.K. Chesterton

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Malott, Annette" <AMalott at>
> Subject: Using Alice in High Schools
> Date: August 26, 2014 at 12:30:50 PM EDT
> To: <don at>
> Dear Alice Team,
> I am a mathematics teacher (engineer by training) at a high school near Dayton, Ohio.  We are exploring options of adding an engineering-type course next year.  One of our options is an Introductory Mathematics for Engineering Applications, which is a course offered by a local university.  Other options I am considering include a hybrid-type course, with introductions into the various disciplines of engineering and/or computer science.  Your Alice program is something that has been in the back of my mind since my 8th grade daughter took a field trip to a local community college last year and was introduced to Alice (and LOVED it!).  I would like to include some sort of simple programming into the future course that we develop (possibly just an introduction/possibly something more in depth).
> If possible, I was hoping you could put me in touch with a high school / high school teacher who has been using this program.  I would love to ask him or her a few more detailed questions on how they are incorporating Alice into their high school course(s) (length of program, class periods, lab time, etc…).
> I sincerely appreciate your time.
> Thank you,
> Annette Malott
> Tippecanoe High School

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