alice-teacher Alice 2.3 no longer loads on Windows 7

Don Slater dslater at
Thu Nov 7 22:01:52 EST 2013

In your home directory, there is a .slice2 hidden directory. Did you delete it as well? If not, please delete it and try again.

I am not familiar with the video card message you received. If deleting .alice2 does not work, could you provide more details?

Thank you,
Don Slater

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 6, 2013, at 11:27 PM, Kelly Cockrell <kcockrell at> wrote:
> Hi there:  This afternoon I tried to fire up Alice and it stopped loading on the splash screen.  I rebooted several times.  Deleted all files associated with Alice including Alice itself.  I downloaded it again, extracted, etc.  Nothing.  I haven't installed any other programs that could cause conflicts as of late so I'm befuddled.  
> However, as I was grading Alice assignments before this debacle, I did receive a message that said something to the effect that the video card might not be able to handle the files.  
> Any help is so, so appreciated.  
> Thanks, 
> Kelly Cockrell
> The Meadows School
> Las Vegas, NV
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