alice-teacher linking different worlds in single game

Edwin Ward emw35 at
Thu Jun 20 18:56:45 EDT 2013

Hi Bob,

Assuming that I understand what you want to do, I think your best bet would be setting up a new dummy camera in a position that doesn't have a view of any of your other objects (there's a nice tutorial called "scene change" if you can't figure this out at ). Then, you can move the ground near your camera like any other object, and change it's texture (under properties) to fit the type of ground you want. At the same time, you can change the atmosphere color (under world properties) to a color that better fits your new scene.

That should be enough to fit your needs. If you've already tried all that and it's not sufficient, maybe someone else knows a better way to do this.

Hope this helps!
Teddy Ward

On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:38 AM, "McCloud, Prof. Robert" <mccloudr at> wrote:

> I am using Alice 2.3 to teach game development. We are trying to find a way to link different worlds in the same game. Is there a way to do this?
> We have tried different workarounds for creating different looking sub-worlds in the same world (setting property to prevent an object from being viewed, changing object opacity, and modifying colors), but none of these is really satisfactory.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Bob McCloud
> mccloudr at
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