alice-teacher Registration Open for Alice Duke Workshops and Theme for Alice Contest

Susan Rodger rodger at
Tue Jan 29 22:34:43 EST 2013

There will be THREE events of interest to K-12 teachers related to 
Alice at Duke University in summer 2013. Please encourage those using
Alice and not using Alice to consider attending one or more of these

  1) Registration is now open for the two-week free beginner workshop on
     Alice (version 2.3) at Duke University on July 8-12 and July 15-19,
     2013. This two-week beginner workshop teaches you Alice and helps you
     in developing lesson plans. This workshop is available to K-12
     teachers, with preference to NC K-12 teachers, but we always take a
     few teachers from outside of NC. This workshop is free and includes
     free lodging (sharing a room with one other teacher) and several meals
     thanks to support by the National Science Foundation with additional
     support by IBM.

     Registration/Information on the two-week beginner workshop is here:

  2) Registration is open for the one-week followup workshop on Alice at
     Duke on June 17-21 (which includes attending the Alice Symposium
     mentioned below) for teachers who have previously attended the
     two-week Alice workshop at Duke, with preference for those who
     attended in 2012, but there is likely room for those who attended a
     previous two-week workshop and have not been able to attend the
     followup workshop in the past.

     Registration/Information on the one-week followup workshop is here:

  3) There will be a one-day Alice Symposium on June 19, 2013. Teachers
     using Alice can submit a poster or paper about how they are using 
     it to share with others. There is also an Alice contest you can 
     submit student worlds too. This symposium is part of a week of
     activities that includes two-day workshops before and after the 
     symposium led by others including Alice leaders from CMU and 
     Barb Ericson from Georgia Tech. 

     Paper submission deadline is Feb. 15.
     Poster and Alice Contest deadline is March 15. Theme for the
     contest is Superstition.

     There will be lodging scholarships for K-12 teachers.

     Information on the Alice Symposium and two-day workshops that
     week is here:

     Registration is not available yet for the Alice Symposium or the 
     two-day workshops that will precede and follow the Symposium. 

Here is the call for the Alice Symposium. If you have been using 
Alice, consider submitting a paper, poster or student world. If you
have not been using Alice but want to see how others are using it, then
plan to attend this one-day symposium and consider attending a 
shorter 2-day workshop to learn more about Alice.

Call for papers, posters and Alice contest for the Third Alice 

    Paper deadline: February 15, 2013
    Poster deadline: March 15, 2013
    Contest deadline: March 15, 2013

The Third Alice Symposium will be held at Duke University in 
Durham, NC on June 19, 2013. 

It's a week of Alice activities June 17-21, 2013. In addition
to the Alice Symposium on June 19, there will be two-day workshops
related to Alice before and after the Alice Symposium. 


You are invited to submit a paper or poster related to the educational
use of the Alice programming language at any level (elementary school, 
middle school, high school, community college, university). 

Teachers are invited to submit student Alice worlds for an Alice contest,
with the theme SUPERSTITION.

More information is available here:

Questions? Contact Kathy Menchaca, menchaca at

Susan H. Rodger, Professor of the Practice
Computer Science Dept. Box 90129, Duke University, Durham NC 27708-0129
Email: rodger at     URL:
Phone: (919)-660-6595         Fax: (919)-660-6519

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