alice-teacher Alice 3.1 Gallery

Don Slater dslater at
Fri Aug 16 09:41:01 EDT 2013

See the current contents of the new Alice 3.1 Gallery. See the blog of our lead character artist, Laura Paoletti, the Art of Alice, showing the work involved in creating the models in the Alice 3.1 Gallery.

You should know that the Alice 3.1 Gallery is different from the Alice 2 Gallery in that it is not possible to download the models that are displayed.

The Gallery for Alice 3 is fundamentally different, in keeping with the Alice 3 emphasis on object-oriented programming and the transition to Java. This set of web pages will always display the current contents of the Alice 3 Gallery so that users of Alice have an way to browsing the Gallery for characters and props other than from only within Alice 3.

Don Slater

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