alice-teacher Group Project in Alice3

Myra J. Deister mjdeister at
Mon Apr 29 00:47:00 EDT 2013

If Alice 3 installs and runs on my school computers I will take you up on your offer.  I will try to install it tomorrow and get back with you.

Myra Deister
Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher
Sunny Hills High School
Fullerton, CA
Computer Science Teachers Association
At-Large Representative
OCCUE Board of Directors member

From: at [ at] on behalf of Don Slater [dslater at]
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 9:41 AM
To: Alice educators
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Group Project in Alice3

The current version of Alice 3 does not yet support exporting or importing users classes from the Alice 3 IDE, unfortunately. This feature will be available for next fall. However, that does not help you now.

If you have had your students start working with Alice code in Java using NetBeans, it is possible to take the .java files for classes and copy and paste them into other projects.

This is not quite as seamless as we would like at this time, but if this is a path you are interested in pursuing, please let me know and I will be happy to provide the instructions that will step you through the process.

All the best,
Don Slater

On Apr 27, 2013, at 2:38 PM, "Myra J. Deister" <mjdeister at> wrote:

> I am thinking about assigning a group project in Alice 3.  I have assigned this project previously in Alice 2.  Each group member is responsible for creating a new Class in Alice saving it and then all of them are imported into the group project.  Is this possible in Alice 3 or is there another way to do this?
> Myra Deister
> 714-626-4320
> Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher
> Sunny Hills High School
> Fullerton, CA
> Computer Science Teachers Association
> At-Large Representative
> OCCUE Board of Directors member
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