alice-teacher Chapter 5 Zeus Exercise (in Dann, Cooper, Pausch) not working

Rigole, Neil neil.rigole at
Thu Mar 1 11:50:42 EST 2012

Hi All,

I have a group of student using Alice v2.2 (12/01/11) along with the
Learning To Program with Alice textbook. For Chapter 5, the "Zeus"
exercise worked through in the chapter, we're getting a "target value
must not be null" when running the code. We're using when the mouse is
clicked on anything event, and it seems that our "target" object
parameter is not being recognized in our "prepareToShoot" method. Any
clues or advice? This worked for me in the past with the older version
of Alice and the same code, but not now.




Neil J. Rigole, Ph.D.

Director of Distance Education

Assistant Professor, School of Information Technology

Academic Affairs - Room A-119


Professional Sciences & Conference Center - Room 310


Macon State College

100 College Station Drive

Macon, GA 31206


neil.rigole at <mailto:neil.rigole at> 


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