alice-teacher (no subject)
Don Slater
dslater at
Thu Feb 16 13:59:55 EST 2012
I have attached a world that illustrates Diane's suggestion. The world is called UnderwaterExploration, and it shows a scuba diver jumping into the ocean from a boat, and then the camera moves (in 0 seconds) to a marker positioned to show an underwater scene which the scuba diver explores. There is a cut back to the sailor left on the boat, back to the underwater scene, the scuba diver then swims out of the scene and jumps back into the boat.
In scene setup, you could back the camera out to see how I have set up the world. You will also notice that I used camera markers and object markers to help position the camera and the diver appropriately for each scene.
Let me know if you have any questions.
All the best,
Don Slater
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On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Zippin, Mark wrote:
> Is it possible to have an object leave one world and enter another world. For example, can I leave the water world to go to outer space? I am trying to get a horse to walk through a door from a nature world into a space world.
> Thx.
> Mark
> Mark A. Zippin
> Springfield Public Day High School
> 90 Berkshire Ave.
> Springfield, MA
> 413.787.7036
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