alice-teacher Summer Camp request

Heather Cobban Heather.Cobban at
Tue Apr 24 17:50:57 EDT 2012

Would anyone happen to know of any "summer school" type enrichment programs featuring Alice 2.2 for middle school students, that might be available with scholarship?  One of my previous grade 8 students was so enthused with Alice, & really left the rest of us far behind in his pursuits.  He happens to be a foster child who doesn't excel at much else in school, but is extremely enthused about pursuing this line for his future career, and is a very pleasant individual, interacts very well with his fellow students.  I don't think he has experienced much enrichment in his life, & it would be a wonderful opportunity if he might be able to attend a special summer program at some point featuring further exploits in Alice (with a teacher having much more expertise than myself).  If you happen to know of anything along these lines, I would be most interested to learn about it.  Many thanks, again!

Very best,

Heather Cobban <Heather.Cobban at>
Watson Lake, Yukon

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