alice-teacher Export to HTML

Kalmar,Melanie A Melanie.Kalmar at
Wed Apr 18 16:18:38 EDT 2012

Thank you both for you input - this has really helped.


Melanie A Kalmar
Technology Coordinator/Teacher
Tuscarora High School
From: at [ at] on behalf of Deane Fistick [deane.fistick at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 2:38 PM
To: 'Alice educators'
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Export to HTML

For the programs to be graded, I have the students send their Alice program (“.a2w”) file. If it were to come as a zipped file (which it rarely does for me), open the zip file directly in Alice – don’t extract it first.

After I look at the student program in the Alice editor, if necessary (rarely), I can export the code as an HTML file to locate hard to find user defined methods, variables, etc.

Like Rich Lewis, I post selected student work exported as Quick Time Videos on a web page. While you’re making the video, you can interact (most of the time) with events with the arrow keys and mouse clicks. Recorded sound sounds seems to work also in the exported videos, but are sometimes weak.

I was posting the HTML code of the student programs along with the video so other students can see how the programs were done, but I’m likely going to stop that because it takes up a fair amount of additional time. The kids can’t copy and paste the code into the Alice editor, so it would be a whole lot of work on their part to pirate a program.

Mr. Deane Fistick
Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow
HS Computer Programming Teacher
Office Phone:  1-888-326-8395 ext. 3640
Email:  deane.fistick at<mailto:deane.fistick at>
[Description: SpringBird]

From: at [ at] On Behalf Of Rich Lewis
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 11:14 AM
To: Alice educators
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Export to HTML

 When you choose export to web page, it creates a folder with a jar file, the alice world, and an html file in it.  The html file launches the java applet which displays the Alice world in the web browser.  Or at least that's how it is supposed to work.   It's a great idea because you could, in theory, put up everyone's alice world on the school web site for their parents to see.  Unfortunately I can't get it to work either.

Here's an alternate solution..  if you want to stick students work up on the web page, export to a quicktime video and imbed it into a web page.  That way parents can go to the web page and play the world.  That should work as long as the Alice World has no keyboard interaction requirements.  I think...    Those are just some thoughts off the top of my head anyway.

In Peace,

Rich Lewis
Sacred Heart Catholic School
Technology Director, Jr. High Computers, BCIS,
Computer Science I, World Geography, Student Council Advisor
E-Mail: rlewis at<mailto:rlewis at>
From: at< at> [ at] on behalf of Diane Shryock [shryockd at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 6:10 AM
To: Alice educators
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Export to HTML
If I'm understanding your question correctly, I have students export their code for printing, which then will either show up in HTML form or the java form in the spot they've sent it to (we do it on the desktop). There will be a thumbnail icon and an internet icon (looks like a sheet of paper with a blue explorer e on it). Make certain you click on the icon with the internet explorer  blue "e" on it to open the code in web page format. Then the students save this file to wherever you'd like them to in your directory. (I set up folders for each assignment and they open the folder and save their code there.)
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Kalmar,Melanie A <Melanie.Kalmar at<mailto:Melanie.Kalmar at>> wrote:

This is the first time I am teaching Alice and I would really love for the kids to submit their work via HTML.

When the files are exported - I can not view the project - I get a java applet error.

Does any one have any idea what I need to do to view the HTML file or does this just not work.

Thanks in advance,


Melanie A Kalmar
Technology Coordinator/Teacher
Tuscarora High School
alice-teachers mailing list
alice-teachers at<mailto:alice-teachers at>

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