alice-teacher Tests for Alice

Don Slater dslater at
Sat Sep 10 21:55:11 EDT 2011

One source of materials for teaching with Alice:

	http: // 

There is a set of instructor materials there, including sample syllabi, projects and solutions, quizzes, assignments, test banks and solutions, some student example worlds… These materials are designed for use with the "Learning to Program with Alice" textbook by Dann, Cooper and Pausch, but they are freely available to school instructors to be used with any textbook, as their development was supported by NSF funding.

They are password protected to preserve the integrity of the solutions so that teachers may use the exercises and exams, with some confidence that students will not have access to these answers and solutions. You may apply for the login and password by contacting Steve Cooper <coopers at> at Stanford University or Barbara J Conover <bconover at>.

At their request, we will not be publishing the login / password information on this listserv, as they are tracking access and use of the website.

Another site that you may wish to check out that would be helpful would be

Maintained by Professor Susan Rogers at Duke University, this site has many great resources in the use of Alice in K-12... You will find a lot of examples, tutorials and projects here that you may find helpful. This is not a password protected site, however.

The members of this community have already proven to be very helpful in describing how they use Alice in their particular environments. In the interest of protecting all of our already overcrowded inboxes, however, please send your individual requests for access to materials from other teachers directly to the source, instead of a general request to the entire list.

Thank all of you for your interest in Alice, and the great work you do with your students.

Donald Slater
Alice Team
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Office phone: (412) 268-4370

I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
--- Henry David Thoreau

On Sep 10, 2011, at 6:21 PM, Robert Carullo wrote:

> Ditto for me, I am in the same position as James.
> Robert
> From: at [ at] On Behalf Of James Reeder
> Sent: September-10-11 1:41 PM
> To: alice-teachers at
> Subject: alice-teacher Tests for Alice
> I am teaching an intro to computer programming class to high school students using “Learning to Program with Alice” for Alice 2.2 and I have some old tests from the previous instructor, but I would like more “ready-made” materials I could use to create my tests. Does anyone have some test materials to share, or know or a good place to find some.
> Thanks.
> James Reeder
> Math & Computer Science Teacher
> Providence Day School
> (704) 887 - 7586
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