alice-teacher Is there a way I can add user created functions and user created methods to the World Statistics output?

Don Slater dslater at
Tue Oct 25 17:56:33 EDT 2011

It is not clear that this message was posted to the list when it was originally sent… I am posting it again…

Thank you,
Don Slater


On Behalf Of Shannon Campe
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 8:47 PM
To: Alice educators
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Is there a way I can add user created
functions and user created methods to the World Statistics output?


We just coded over 200 Alice/Storytelling Alice games. We (computer
science professor and some CS undergrads) couldn't figure out a way to
automate the coding. They had to go in and count instances of each
programming construct one by one.

Shannon Campe
Project Coordinator
ETR Associates; Research Dept.
4 Carbonero Way
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
ph: 831-438-4060 ext 152
fax: 831-438-3577
email: shannonc at

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