alice-teacher term projects

Ella Glazer ella.glazer at
Wed Nov 2 12:19:41 EDT 2011

I have been teaching a one semester Alice Intro to Programming course since
last year so this is my third semester.  I am putting below my final
project from last Spring.  I am still tweaking.  Hope this helps

Ella Glazer

Alice Final Project

You are creating a game.  This game should have a theme – a story line –
which should be outlined in the beginning.  There should be at least 5
methods (including a beginning and an end).  There should be at least 3
different scenes.  The random method should be used to move the character
along or to acquire props, etc.  Loops should be used – lives should be
calculated.  A game over screen should appear when the game is, indeed,

                                                          Due date

Game outline (in Word)                            12/20

Scene Setup with camera angles                1/6

Final Game                                              1/12

Use of Loops

Use of random

Scenes and transitions

Actions, flow, game play

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:56 AM, KIM N. GUNNERSON
<gunnek at>wrote:

> In the class I teach, I have the students create a final animation.  In
> the assignment, I share the rubric which shows the programming concepts
> that must be included in order to receive a certain grade.  In addition,
> the students present their animations to the entire class.  Not only do
> they show their animation but they also must share at least three problems
> they faced and explain what their solution was for each problem---trying to
> get a sense of their de-bugging skills.
> Kim Gunnerson
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2011, Patricia Campbell wrote:
> This is my first Alice course.  I have taught C/Java before.  Now I am
>> teaching a course that is not aimed at Computer Science students.  I am
>> struggling with creating a term
>> project that covers everything.  Without giving them exact instructions
>> it is difficult for me to be sure they include everything.  I am not sure
>> why this is easier for me in other
>> languages... I would appreciate any pointers or suggestions that you all
>> may have.
>> Thanks
>> Patricia Campbell
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