alice-teacher ideas needed

Catherine Aceto cat.aceto at
Tue May 10 11:59:15 EDT 2011

I would use the Storytelling Alice version for the activity, both because of
the age of the students, and because it has more already-programmed methods
for the objects, so that the students can immediately make more complex
worlds.  Download it from the same site as the other Alice

This Duke University website has links to many good tutorials developed
there for different aspects of Alice. This
presentation for high school girls might be particular good for your
purposes (although I think it came from a 75 minute class)

I just finished teaching a 10 week (1 hr per week) course to homeschooled
students ranging in age from 6 to 15 using Storytelling Alice, and my
experience was that the program lends itself well to experimentation and
"learning by doing" in general - so I'd think that any materials that you
can find that explain the basics and gives time for them to work on creating
their own worlds would lead to an enjoyable experience for the students.


On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 10:43 AM, Szkolnik, Kathrine <
KSZKOLNI at> wrote:

> I am not a teacher, and I have the utmost respect for those that are,
> knowing that I do not possess the needed skills to be one.
> That being said, I am a Computer Engineer that is heading up an initiative
> to promote girls in Engineering and Computer Science fields.  We will be
> inviting a group of 9th grade girls in for a day and talking with them
> about different fields that they can pursue.  We are hoping to have stations
> where the girls can spend 30min – 1 hour doing a hands on activity.  I would
> like to use alice for the Computer Engineering / Computer Science fields,
> and was hoping to obtain some ideas on a short but engaging learning
> activity with alice that would fit into this format to entice and interest
> these girls in computer related fields.
> Can any of you supply an outline or an idea that I could use as a starting
> point that would fit this criteria?
> Thanks you so much for all of you input in advance.
> *Kathrine Szkolnik*
> *Substation Engineer*
> Office:  (228)539-7622
> Cell:     (228)697-3757
> Fax:      (228)539-7604
> Linc:     40*1127
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