alice-teacher Application not configured correctly

Don Slater dslater at
Wed Jan 26 08:52:33 EST 2011

There have been several comments lately regarding Alice's inability to load or run correctly on some machine configurations.

We have been finding that these problems seem to be related to the release of Alice 2.2 dated 9/10/2010. 

If you are experiencing these difficulties, right now we suggest that you try the previous release, dated 8/01/09. You can find this release on the Alice Downloads page for version 2.2, at the link "Previous Releases". This release seems to not have the same difficulties.

There actually is very little difference in the feature set of these two releases.

Please let us know if you continue to have problems with this older release.

Thank you for your patience,
Don Slater
Alice Team
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Office phone: (412) 268-4370

I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
--- Henry David Thoreau

On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Mary Barnes wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm beginning to teach Alice 2.2 to juniors and seniors this week.  It's loaded and working well except for on 2 computers.  I've reloaded 3 or 4 times a couple of different ways ( from our server and again from the website download directly).  IT will launch if I go to the 'If Alice Fails Try This' but can I use that as a long term solution for these 2 computers?  We are running XP.  I've posted this to the forum and didn't get much response other than making the desktop shortcut point to the 'If Alice Fails" executable, which I guess I can do but I didn't think I should do that regularly.
> Also, I have one textbook but couldn't afford to buy any for my students.  Any of you teaching without the textbook?  
> Thanks,
> Mary Barnes
> Portersville Christian School
> m.barnes at 
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