alice-teacher Looking for an Alice instructor in OH

Don Slater dslater at
Thu Dec 15 21:27:54 EST 2011

We (the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University) are running an Alice class for 5-6th grade girls in Cleveland Heights, OH on January 21-22.

We do these two day intensives (9-2:30 each day) to introduce academically advanced students (kids working a grade or two above current grade level and testing at the 95% or higher on a nationally normed test) throughout the midwest.

Our classes cap at 18 and the instructor would receive a stipend of $500.  There would be a teaching assistant available for them if more than 10 kids enroll.

If I could post this, that'd be great.  My local Alice instructors are unable to make that kind of commute.

If I can answer any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I appreciate your time-thank you!


Amy Gyarmathy
SEP/AWE Coordinator
Center for Talent Development
Northwestern University

p: 847/467-1808
f: 847/491-3394

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