alice-teacher requesting lab set up help
Don Slater
dslater at
Thu Aug 25 12:45:07 EDT 2011
The following information is contained on the Alice 2.2 downloads page:
Using Alice on a networked machine:
Alice 2.0 compatibility with networked machines has been hit-or-miss. This was due to the Alice preferences file location being hard-coded as:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.alice
In cases where the user's home directory was not on the C drive or in a different path, Alice would throw up a gallery viewer error and possibly prevent the user from accessing Alice.
We have modified Alice 2.2 to allow the user to enter in the path to a writable directory on any drive, networked or local. This can be done by opening up the following file in a text editor:
Alice 2.2\Required\etc\version.txt
It should look like this:
2.2 9/1/2008
Add a new line at the bottom and enter in the *full* path to where you would like the preferences stored. This will need to be a writable directory. Do not use quotes. For example, if I wanted to change the location to my desktop on drive E, I would do the following:
2.2 9/1/2008
E:\Documents and Settings\jtimberlake\Desktop\.alice2
Save the file and close it.
If Alice is running, make sure to shut it down and restart.
To confirm it is working, navigate to the directory you typed above and you should see a .alice2 directory. If you do not see one, make sure hidden directories are viewable.
Let us know if you continue to have problems.
All the best,
Don Slater
On Aug 25, 2011, at 12:04 PM, Lorie Atkinson wrote:
> I am teaching a beginning programming class and am having trouble setting up my students successfully to be able to use Alice.
> Items:
> Students do not have access to the c: directories
> Students have read access to the common y: directory
> Students have their own folders on the h: drive
> Last year I copied Alice onto the common directory and the students were able to work. (small class)
> This year one student will work fine, then the other 10 will error loading.
> I am able to load Alice on to each computers’ c: drive, but then they do not have access to a start icon.
> Just looking for ideas, thanks,
> Lorie Atkinson
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