alice-teacher Resources for exam questions?

Beth Simon bsimon at
Fri Oct 15 10:30:38 EDT 2010


I am teaching Alice for the first time in a university level course.  The
midterm is coming up in a few weeks.
I have looked at the examples available on

But specifically I am worried about:

A) Giving the exam in black and white on paper

B) Finding more multiple choice items or getting ideas about what makes a
good multiple choice item

If you have advice -- especially about A -- or would be willing to share any
exam questions (this is a midterm, so I will be returning it) -- that would
be great.
If you have questions I can even look at for inspiration (even if you don't
want me to put them on an exam that is returned) that would also be

I should probably admit now that I have 550 students -- which brings some
restrictions (b and w, multiple choice, etc.)

Beth Simon
CSE Department
UC San Diego
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