alice-teacher Trim your posts!!

Susana (Suki) Wessling suki at
Tue Dec 7 22:56:05 EST 2010

Hi everybody,

I'm guessing some of you are newbies at being on mailing lists. There is a refrain you will hear often. Please read it and understand it: Trim Your Posts! Those of us reading on digest have basically stopped reading this week because you all are forwarding all the whole digest to the rest of us over and over and over and over. We're exhausted, OK? So please, just quote the relevant piece and delete the rest. In my mailer (Apple Mail) I just select the part I want quoted and when I then hit "reply," only the selected text is included in my message. (See below for example.) 

BTW, I agree with the poster below. There has been lots of interesting information on this list, but the last couple of weeks it's been buried.

Susana (Suki) Wessling |
Suki's Parenting and Education Facebook Page

On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:26 PM, alice-teachers-request at wrote:

> I joined this list to find out more about how Alice is being used in
> schools and the kinds of problems that people have been experiencing
> with it (and solving).  However, a good portion of the mails I've
> received on the list have been variations on
>   Thanks!  I would love a copy of the DVD too!
> It would be nice if such messages were sent to the appropriate party
> directly and not to all readers of the list.  I look forward to getting
> back to interesting content about Alice.  Thanks,

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