alice-teacher Examples of student projects

Lisa N. Michaud michaudl at
Fri Dec 3 09:37:05 EST 2010

On 12/2/2010 1:26 PM, Chris Swinney wrote:
> I must admit that video of work would be useful, but probably more
> useful would be the code to see how they worked

If this were to be hosted on the Alice site as you suggest, I'd like to 
recommend that it be locked down so that instructors could request 
access but students would not.  It's all too easy for a student to 
download complete solutions and just pass it in as their own!

I would be more than happy to share my own solutions to any of my 
assignments that I use directly to other teachers, but I don't post them 
online as I want to use them again!


Dr. Lisa N. Michaud
Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
Merrimack College, North Andover, MA

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