alice-teacher Needing additional Methods excercises please

Susan Rodger rodger at
Fri Dec 3 09:13:47 EST 2010


The skateboard tutorial is from Summer 2009. We developed a new tutorial
in Summer 2010 that is similar concepts with a princess/dragon theme. 
We also developed many project tutorials last summer

Another way to practice methods is to write them on paper.  You can look at
my old tests which have methods to write, which can be written or build the
Alice world (which I do when I make up my exams). This is for a non-majors
course on Alice at Duke.

Tests from this semester will be added when the semester is over, 
around the first of January. 


Susan Rodger, Professor of the Practice
Dept. of Computer Science, Box 90129
LSRC Room D237
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0129
Email:	rodger at      URL:
Phone: (919)-660-6595           Fax: (919)-660-6519

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