[SCA-BMDL] Nice Lamps

Mukhtar abd al-dar, durr al-jabal al-mukhfi durr at lazerlink.com
Sat Jul 29 16:58:15 EDT 2006

Bismallah Assalam O Alykum Wa Ramatullah Wa Barakatuh

Just saw some Lamplight Metropolitan (Lampligherfarms.com) at the Big K for
about $8. These are very safe and period looking lamps (I bought some, if
you want to call that an endorsement.)

If someone was to wholesale them at Pennsic, I think they might sell out

(And no, I'm really, still, not again the Pennsic Phyre Marshall.)

Smokey (dur) Baron

Remember, only you can keep campfire one word.
Mukhtar durr al-jabal al-mukhfi        http://tinyurl.com/dbp63
<Baron Dur of Hidden Mountain>                    Member # 02933
 He who has daughters is always a shepherd.  Spanish Proverb

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