[SCA-BMDL] Re: Help with printing for Pennsic

Erin Childs wanderingpixie at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 18 16:28:46 EDT 2006

Greetings All!

I'm still looking for folks with spare printing quota to help with a
printing project for Heralds Point at Pennsic.  This is especially
addressed to folks at the universities (so, if you have an e-mail
account ending in cmu.edu or pitt.edu), but anyone else who thinks they
could help would be appreciated as well.

I'm very grateful to the folks who've already volunteered: Alanna,
Margaret, Rosalia, Lara, Todd Crow, Ceinwen, and Arabella.  But they
can only get about half of the total pages done.  Another half dozen or
so volunteers would be great.

Please contact me if you can lend a hand.


-Ailis Linne

--- Erin Childs <wanderingpixie at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Greetings All,
> I am responsible for getting a large quantity of printing done for
> Heralds Point at Pennsic, which will need to get done around the
> middle of July.  I'm looking for help from folks who have free 
> printing quotas (usually through one of the Universities).  If you 
> might be willing to donate some of your quota, please contact me and 
> we can discuss details.
> Thanks!
> -Ailis Linne

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