[oe-sync] Example of prep work in downstream org to feed into upstream OpenStack project

Klas, Guenter, Vodafone Group Guenter.Klas at vodafone.com
Sat Aug 22 05:40:19 EDT 2015

Hi there,

I was curious to understand how people in OPNFV successfully get stuff into OpenStack. So I searched for anything that apparently made it into OpenStack and I wanted to understand what happened i) on the OPNFV side (that would be comparable to our side on Open Edge Initiative) and ii) on OpenStack side.

So this serves for illustration purposes of what other people have done. I may draw some analogies to Cloudlets as well. Before clicking on any links below, please read the whole email to get the gist of the story.

I colour the text:

Black: we are in OPNFV land.

Red: we are moving into OpenStack land

Green: we are in Launchpad land

Starting on OPNFV side:

1.       I discovered the OPNFV project Doctor (assume this is a project outside OpenStack like e.g. cloudlets).

2.       Doctor is on the list of OPNFV projects that target the upstream OpenStack project to trigger improvements there. The list is here: https://wiki.opnfv.org/community/openstack

3.       A URL in 2 leads to Doctor's summary description at OPNFV and its project management page (highly useful), see here: https://wiki.opnfv.org/doctor

4.       A URL in 3 leads to the requirements and architecture document for Doctor, pdf 47 pages, see http://artifacts.opnfv.org/doctor/DoctorFaultManagementandMaintenance.pdf

5.       A URL in 3 leads to the project proposal description (Doctor in OPNFV), incl. e.g. a presentation, see https://wiki.opnfv.org/_media/doctor_141208.pdf

6.       A URL in 3 points to the blueprint targeting Nova.

>From here we are now in OpenStack land: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/mark-host-down,n,z

7.       Alternatively, still in OPNFV, there is a list of blueprints at OPNFV. See the line for Nova. Here you find 3 URLs referring to 3 blueprints targeting Nova for OPNV Doctor https://wiki.opnfv.org/community/openstack

8.       Following the first URL in 7 under Nova (New Nova API call) leads into OpenStack land: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/169836/
The text here says: this implements  a particular blueprint "mark host down".
And the stuff has been included into some master branch of Nova.

9.       A URL in 8 would link to the blueprint itself, but that appears to have vanished on Launchpad (maybe that's part of the process ;-) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=mark-host-down

10.   Following the second URL in 7 under Nova (Support forcing service down) leads into Launchpad:

11.   https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+spec/support-force-down-service (this is for a Nova client).

12.   From 11, there is a nice URL again to cross-reference another blueprint for "New Nova API call to mark nova-compute down" covering Nova itself, also on Launchpad. It leads to: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/mark-host-down
This is now very similar to Prakash's blueprint for cloudlets as we have seen.

Takeaway: we talked about outreach on the side of Open Edge Initiative. Apart from CMU's/Satya's website and our new storage server, we currently have no website to share information with more people.  Above is just an illustration of how the OPNFV people organise/share/store their work and prepare for the transition into OpenStack. I think it's quite useful/good.

I recall that we talked about reusing OPNFV and then for the time being abandoned the idea as we felt it would introduce an intermediate stage not useful for us, as we need to target OpenStack anyway. My view now is:

Path A: We create our own website for open edge initiative and structure info there to attract developers, organise work, have a hub of URLs that point to Launchpad, OpenStack etc.
- Upside: no dependency on OPNFV. We could learn from the good things in OPNFV and avoid the things that work less well.
- Downside: need to start pretty much from scratch, however I trust Ashlee it's all doable.

Path B: We use the OPNFV existing website machinery to set up our own open edge initiative project (like Doctor and others) to organise work on the side of Open Edge Initiative and prepare for OpenStack.

- Upside: reuse of the OPNFV website, exposure to the developers from the OPNFV community, similar to the Edge NFV project from China Mobile.

- Downside:  possible lack of identity for "Open Edge Initiative", need to get approval from OPNFV board, unclear positioning vis-à-vis Edge NFV project.

Anyway, hope the illustration is insightful for those who aren't that familiar with OPNFV yet.



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