netreg-users: Problems with initial install: Database Error

Michael Robbert mrobbert at
Tue Feb 27 16:25:36 EST 2007

I just downloaded NetReg 1.1.9 and attempted an install today. I am installing
on a fairly clean Debian Sarge system.
I have gotten the front page to load and when I click on the Enter button Apache
prompts for authentication, when that passes I get a page saying Database Error:
There was an error while connecting to the netreg database. The administrator
has been informed. Please try again later.

The database has been created and I can login to it from the command line as the
root user. There is a log directory in ~netreg, but it is empty. I have setup
myself as the administrator and I was not informed of the error as the message
says. Does  anybody know off the top of their head what may have gone wrong
during the initial setup? Failing that, what can I do to find out what is wrong
with the database?

Mike Robbert

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