alice-teacher ALice 3 camera marker simultaneous movement

Ziccardi, Adam aziccardi at
Thu Apr 21 13:04:24 EDT 2022

Hi all,
I seek any ideas/help so as to have three camera locations (overhead wide,
third person , and 1st person) all move simultaneously as a snowman moves
around a scene.
When we move the snowman whichever camera location is the active one is
moving with the snowman (as we vehicled the camera to the snowman).
Toggling the camera to the other two view pioints, though, we are putting
the camera where the camera marker was at the last point it was the one the
camera was attached to.
Problem is : how to keep all the camera markers moving (vehicled to the
snowman) as any of the other ones are moving.
If that makes sense...I will attach a file shortly,

Adam Ziccardi
OPTA president
K-12 CS coordinator
NYS Master Teacher
Teacher Webpage <>
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