alice-teacher CMU Qatar Code in Alice Summer Event

Eric Brown ewbrown at
Fri Jun 11 19:56:54 EDT 2021

Dear All,

I wanted to share an upcoming event being put on by our CMU Qatar campus called “Code in Alice”.  I thought many of you might have students or members of your community that might want to jump in and help out as a volunteer or communities that might want to participate.  (this is intended to be a very introductory experience with Alice.  Here is the more marketing like language:

Looking for something fun and rewarding to do this summer?  Join the Code in Alice event!  The goal of the "Code in Alice" summer event is to teach computer programming to kids around the world within an engaging and creative environment.  The programming will be held entirely online so participants (aged 13-18) and volunteer educators (no prior Alice or teaching experience needed) anywhere in the world are invited to participate!

Looking for a great chance to support and inspire the next generation of creative technology leaders?  This event is made possible by volunteers like you and we need your help to be able to engage as many students as possible (with a small teacher-student ratio).  We are looking for volunteers to commit to 3 – 4 hours/week for 5 weeks (July 5 – Aug 5)!  The event is online and each volunteer will be assigned 10-12 students for the duration. The volunteers do not need any prior experience in Alice or teaching computer science. Training on Alice and all the skills you need to successfully support the students will be provided before and during the event.  The deadline to apply is June 15 so it is rapidly approaching. 

We hope that you will join us as a student or volunteer educator.  Please help us spread the word!

Learn more here! (

Code in Alice is a summer program being run by Carnegie Mellon University Qatar.

To help us promote and recruit volunteers and participants here are links to promotional flyers you can use to spread the word!

Flyer for volunteers teachers -

Flyer for participants -

We have also added a blog post on our site to help them spread the word you can share here:

Or share our tweet:



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