alice-teacher Alice Released

Leonel Morales litomd at
Mon Aug 23 16:26:34 EDT 2021

Hi Eric,

Great news!!! Went directly to download and install the new version.
Eager to test the new collision detection!

I was curious to see if a bug I stumbled upon recently was fixed and I
guess it was not. Is this.

Create a new project, add a character (capable of say) and make it say
"Hello [emoji]" like "Hello 😎". It will run fine. Save and close the
project. When you try to open the project again it will show the red
queen and the file won't open.

People is starting to use emojis everywhere and eventually students
will want to include them in dialogues in Alice.

Best regards,


2021-08-23 10:57 GMT-06:00, Eric Brown <ewbrown at>:
> Dear All,
> I apologize that this release came a couple weeks later than intended so may
> not have come early enough for many school computer labs and machines.  It
> does have a number of good performance improvements but nothing that changes
> functionality drastically.  We did address many bugs reported to us from the
> community (release notes below).  I have moved the download links
> into the archived section at the bottom of the page for those that will need
> students to use that version.  We did finally get a signed version for PC
> that should help with security settings (it is a reputation building CMU
> cert so will still show until we build that up but finally moving in the
> right direction).  Unfortunately we could not get the Mac cert from CMU in
> time.  We will continue to work on that and may push out a patch release
> when we can get them inserted to finally help us with that (we know this has
> been an issue for a long time).
> In upcoming news:  We have been working hard on getting our player to work
> with webgl and made some other changes that we hope will lead to us pushing
> out a release soon that will allow student to publish their projects to the
> web.  The player code will also be open sourced which will allow us to
> publish a how to that will enable students to download the code, insert
> their world file and actually build using Unity and then release their own
> app and distribute however they would like (this will definitely be better
> than the current how to that I put out that shows them how to do this in a
> work around fashion).
> Sincerely,
> Eric
> • Installers for the Raspberry Pi (arm architecture) along with other Linux
> build improvements. Downloading, Installing, and Running Alice has details
> • Signed builds for Windows
> • Newer version of JOGL (prerelease of 2.4.0) for Windows and Linux
> Features
> • Improved Collision/Proximity detection
> • Tighter collision hulls for objects
> • Reduced screen redraws to fight flicker
> • Default save/export filenames
> • More translations
> Bug fixes
> • Keyboard movement for [ and ] move in different directions
> • Report some recognized states to users with simple messages, rather than
> the red queen
> • Graceful handling when a model's vehicle is deleted or not present in the
> save file
> • Thought bubbles no longer occluded by tail bubbles
> • Prevent exceptions around Person generation
> • Prevent closed dialogs from being treated as accepted
> • Better handling of strange characters in identifiers
> • And others
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