alice-teacher Alice 3 equivalent of while events

Donald Slater dslater at
Tue Feb 18 12:34:27 EST 2020

This feature was also not implemented in Alice 3. AS part of the purpose of Alice 3 was to support the transition to.a traditional programming language, such as Java, we found it difficult implement these features as they were no equivalent features in the languages we were targeting.

All the best,
Don Slater

Alice Project

> On Feb 18, 2020, at 11:34 AM, Vanderhyde, James <vanderhyde at> wrote:
> Is there an Alice 3 equivalent of Alice 2’s while (begin, during, end) events? The only way to halt and action in the middle was to put code in the “during” portion of the event. Then when the condition became false, whatever the code was doing is immediately stopped.
> I found these while events in Alice 2 to be so powerful, that I didn’t even need to teach while loops for any purpose. I think I can do what I want with while loops, but it will be more difficult to teach.
> James
>> James Vanderhyde
> Associate Professor and Department Chair
> Computer Science
> Saint Xavier University
> 3700 W. 103rd St.
> Chicago, IL 60655
> 773-298-3454
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