[Storage-research-list] Call for Workshop Proposal: IEEE BigDataService 2023, Athens, Greece

Stefano Cirillo scirillo at unisa.it
Thu Feb 9 17:40:00 EST 2023

BigDataService 2023 invites workshop proposals in any area related to Big
Data Computing Services and Machine Learning Applications (e.g., Big Data
Analytics, Big Data and Privacy).

The workshop organizers are encouraged to focus their events on topics that
are not already explicitly addressed by the three special tracks listed in
the general CFP. Workshops focusing on challenging or emerging areas of the
conference topics as well as on practical applications of research in
business/industry and on joint projects run by industry and research
entities are strongly encouraged.

*Proposals format*The proposal (up to 1000 words) should cover the
following points:

Workshop title, duration (1 day or half-day)

The organizers (PC chairs, other organizers who will be present at the
workshop or are otherwise involved. Please include names, addresses,
affiliations, and indicate the main responsible person. The submission
should include a one-paragraph biographical sketch for each organizer,
describing relevant qualifications and experience.

Purpose: List the workshop topics. How does the focus of the workshop
differ from the main conference?

Organization of the workshop: Specify the type of contributions,
distribution into sessions, type of sessions, etc. Mention if you plan to
have any keynote speakers.

Tentative list of PC members.

An estimate of the number of papers to be accepted, the number of
attendees, and the target audience. If applicable, short information on
previous editions of the workshop series (this should include submission,
acceptance, and attendance information).

Short information on your plans for publicizing your workshop and making it
highly visible.

*Organizational aspects*The organizers of accepted workshops are expected
to: organize the workshop’s program committee, disseminate the workshop
call for papers, solicit submissions, conduct the reviewing process, and
prepare the final workshop program. The official language of workshops is
English. The presence of at least one workshop organizer is mandatory.

Important dates:
Workshop proposals: March 3, 2023
Workshop acceptance/rejection notification: April 11, 2023
Full paper submission: May 20, 2023
Workshops: July 17-20, 2023


*Workshops proceedings*

For workshops, accepted papers will be published in the IEEE proceedings of
the BigDataService conference.

Submission instructions Workshop proposals must be submitted via e-mail (
sonvx at cs.umu.se) in PDF.
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