[Storage-research-list] Call for Papers: The 4th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop (PDSW)

JACKSON Adrian a.jackson at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 27 18:54:19 EDT 2019

Call for papers:                     PDSW’19
Deadline for papers:                 1st September 2019, 11:59 PM AoE
Deadline for work in progress (WIP): 3rd November 2019, 11:59 PM AoE

     The 4th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop

          Monday, November 18, 2019 9:00am - 5:30pm

 In conjunction with SC19: The International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis,
              In cooperation with IEEE TCHPC.

We are pleased to announce the 4th International Parallel Data Systems
Workshop (PDSW’19). PDSW'19 will be hosted in conjunction with SC19.
Efficient data storage and data management are crucial to scientific
productivity in both traditional simulation-oriented HPC environments
and Big Data analysis environments. This issue is further exacerbated by
the growing volume of experimental and observational data, the widening
gap between the performance of computational hardware and storage
hardware, and the emergence of new data-driven algorithms in machine

The goal of this workshop is to facilitate research that addresses the
most critical challenges in scientific data storage and data processing.
We therefore encourage the community to submit original manuscripts that:
  - introduce and evaluate novel algorithms or architectures,
  - inform the community of important scientific case studies or
    workloads, or
  - validate the reproducibility of previously published work

Special attention will be given to issues in which community
collaboration is crucial for problem identification, workload capture,
solution interoperability, standardization, and shared tools. We also
strongly encourage papers to share complete experimental environment
information (software version numbers, benchmark configurations, etc.)
to facilitate collaboration.

Topics of interest include the following:
  - Scalable architectures for data storage, archival, and
  - Performance benchmarking, resource management, and workload studies
  - Programmability of storage systems
  - Parallel file systems, metadata management, and complex data
  - Alternative data storage models, including object stores and key-
    value stores
  - Programming models and frameworks for data intensive computing
  - Techniques for data integrity, availability, reliability, and fault
  - Productivity tools for data intensive computing, data mining, and
    knowledge discovery
  - Application of emerging big data frameworks towards scientific
    computing and analysis
  - Enabling cloud and container-based models for scientific data
  - Data filtering/compressing/reduction techniques
  - Tools and techniques for managing data movement among compute and
    data intensive components
  - Integrating computation into the memory and storage hierarchy to
    facilitate in-situ and in-transit data processing

Regular Paper Submissions

All papers will be evaluated by a competitive peer review process under
the supervision of the workshop program committee. Selected papers and
associated talk slides will be made available on the workshop web
site. The papers will also be published in the digital libraries of the

Authors are also strongly encouraged to automate the reproducibility and
validation of their experimental results. Submissions that are
accompanied by URLs to resources that allow reviewers to repeat
automatic validation will be given favorable consideration for the PDSW
Best Paper award. The PDSW reproducibility initiative will do their best
to provide infrastructure and resources to support automated
reproducibility and validation. PDSW reviewers, while appreciative,
might not be able to validate non-automated artifact descriptions and
evaluations included in (optional) reproducibility appendices. All
accepted submissions that pass automated validation will earn the
Results Replicated badge in the ACM Digital Library in accordance
with ACM's artifact evaluation policy. Detailed information on the PDSW
reproducibility initiative will be available on the workshop website on
July 1, 2019.

Submit a not previously published paper as a PDF file, indicate authors
and affiliations. Papers must be between 6 and 10 pages long including
references, but not including optional reproducibility appendices.
Papers must use the IEEE conference paper template available at:

Work-in-progress (WIP) Submissions
There will be a WIP session where presenters provide brief 5-minute
talks on their on-going work, with fresh problems/solutions. WIP content
is typically material that may not be mature or complete enough for a
full paper submission and will not be included in the proceedings. A
one-page abstract is required.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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