[Storage-research-list] CFP --> IEEE MASCOTS

Jalil Boukhobza boukhobza at univ-brest.fr
Mon Mar 25 05:48:21 EDT 2019


MASCOTS 2019: 27th IEEE International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis,

Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems


IRT Rennes, 1219 Avenue des Champs Blancs 35510 Cesson-Sévigné

Rennes, France, October 22-25, 2019




The MASCOTS conference encourages original submissions describing

state-of-the-art research in the areas of the performance evaluation of

computer systems and networks as well as in related areas and emerging

technologies such as nano-networks, energy networks and the smart grid, and

advanced machine learning techniques for performance analysis and


Papers describing results of theoretic and/or practical significance are

solicited. Experimental, modeling, and simulation studies are all in the

of the conference. Work presenting novel performance evaluation methods or

providing insights on design and runtime management tradeoffs are



Broad topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Advanced machine learning techniques.

- Computer architectures, multi-core processors, and memory systems

- Computer networks, protocols, and algorithms

- Databases and big data systems and technologies

- Distributed and cloud computing

- Data and control plane separation

- Distributed ledger and other blockchain-based system design

- Distributed, cloud, and fog computing

- Energy efficient computer systems

- Internet of Things

- Multi-access edge computing

- Multimedia systems

- Network softwarization and virtualization

- Operating systems and virtualization

- Security in computer and communication systems

- Storage and file systems

- Web systems, enterprise applications and web services

- Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, and sensor networks


Organizing Committee


General Chair: 

- Jalil Boukhobza, IRT b<>com, Lab-STICC, Univ. Bretagne Occidentale, Brest,

Contact: boukhobza at univ-brest.fr


Program Chairs

- André-Luc Beylot, ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France

- Thomas Schwarz, Marquette University, US (general chair of the previous
edition of MASCOTS)


Finance Chairs

- Olivier Barais, Univ. Rennes 1, IRT b<>com, Rennes, France

- Yassine Hadjadj Aoul, Univ. Rennes 1, IRT b<>com, Rennes, France


Publicity Chair

- Laurent Réveillère, Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France


Publication Chair

- Pierre Olivier, Virginia Tech, US



Important Dates

- Abstract deadline: April 26

- Paper Submission deadline: May 3

- Acceptance notification: June 27

- Final Camera-ready: July 19


Submission Guidelines

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another

or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:


Full papers: Submissions must be formatted using two-columns and may be at

12 pages in length, including all tables, figures, and appendices, but not

including references. You may include any number of pages for references.

Unsuccessful full paper submissions, where appropriate, will automatically

considered for publication as short papers.


Short papers: Authors with a contribution for which a full paper is not

appropriate may submit short papers of at most 6 pages, not including

references, with the same formatting guidelines as full papers. You may

any number of pages for references. Short papers may describe original or

unconventional ideas at a preliminary stage of development, negative

experimental validations, or original results that do not require a



Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted or under review for

publication elsewhere. Technical Program Committee members and other experts

active in the field will review submitted papers to ensure high quality and

relevance to the conference program. Accepted papers will appear in the

conference proceedings to be published in IEEExplore. For accepted papers,

conference registration and attendance by at least one author to present the

paper is mandatory.


For guidelines regarding formatting, please refer to the IEEE Manuscript

Templates for Conference Proceedings

(https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html). All papers

be formatted using the two-column IEEE conference style with a font size of

points or greater. There is no need to anonymise submissions, since MASCOTS

does not use a double-blind reviewing process (only single-blind).


Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mascots2019 



Jalil Boukhobza

Associate Professor (maître de conférences HDR)

Lab-STICC Lab./ Dept. of Computer Science

University of Western Brittany, 20 Av. Le Gorgeu - CS 93837

29238 Brest Cedex 3

Tel:  +33 2 98 01 69 73

Fax: +33 2 98 01 80 11


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