[Storage-research-list] ICPE 2014 - Call for Tutorials

danilo.ansaloni at usi.ch danilo.ansaloni at usi.ch
Mon Nov 18 16:04:10 EST 2013

                     CALL FOR TUTORIALS

                          ICPE 2014
   5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
		   Dublin, Ireland, March 23-26, 2014


	      A Joint Meeting of WOSP/SIPEW sponsored by
       ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM SIGSOFT in Cooperation with SPEC.


Proposal deadline   : December 1, 2013
Acceptance decision : December 31, 2013
Tutorial track      : Sunday, March 23, 2013


ICPE enhances the attendee experience through a strong Tutorial Track 
led by renowned scientists and practitioners in the fields of 
relevance for the ICPE community. In 2014, the Tutorial Track will be 
organized in two tracks and take place during a full day. 

We solicit proposals for full-day (7-8-hour), half-day (4-hour), and 
quarter-day (2-hour) tutorials on topics relevant to ICPE, including, 
but not limited to:
- Performance and software development processes
- Performance modeling and prediction
- Performance measurement, and experimental analysis
- Benchmarking, configuration, sizing, and capacity planning
- System management/optimization
- Performance in Cloud, Virtualized, and multi-core systems
- Performance and Power
- Performance modeling and evaluation in other domains

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format, not exceeding 
three (3) pages in total, to the Turorial Chair Alexandru Iosup 
(A.Iosup at tudelft.nl) and the General Co-Chair, Klaus-Dieter Lange 
(Klaus.Lange at hp.com).

Proposals must include:
- A title and abstract (max 150 words)
- Contact information (name, email, address, telephone number) and a
  brief biography of the speaker(s)
- Motivation for the tutorial (why this? why now?)
- The link between the tutorial and the current topics of interest of 
  ICPE (a sentence or paragraph)
- Outline of the tutorial content, in brief. Topics of broad interest 
  are preferred!
- Type of tutorial (lecture, hands-on, interactive workshop, gamified 
  experience, etc.)
- Level of tutorial (introductory, intermediate, or advanced)
- Previous experience with this tutorial, if applicable (venue, topics 
  and number of  participants, date). Include major changes vs. 
  previous iterations of the tutorial. Explain main reason for giving 
  the tutorial again.
- Duration of the tutorial (2 hours, 4 hours, 7-8 hours, including 
  breaks; include all that apply if you can tailor the duration of the 
- Requirements for the attendants (BYOC, other hardware, prior 
  knowledge and skills, etc.)

For more details on the topics of the ICPE conference,please visit:

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