[Storage-research-list] PDSW 2013 Call for Posters and Participation
Dean Hildebrand
dhildeb at us.ibm.com
Fri Nov 8 13:55:38 EST 2013
[Apologies if you received multiple copies of this email.]
The 8th Parallel Data Storage Workshop (PDSW13)
held in conjunction with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing (SC) 2013
Denver, Colorado, Monday, November 18, 2013
Submissions for technical poster presentation should submit
a short poster abstract as instructed on the workshop web
site. Posters with technical results for storage products
are also encouraged. A poster presentation “lightening
round” will give authors a few minutes to present their
poster in front of the entire workshop. In addition, the
workshop will have two poster sessions.
Poster Submissions: http://www.pdsw.org/
Poster Submission Deadline: Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013.
Poster Notification: On or before Thursday, Nov. 14, 2013
8:55am - 9:00am Welcome – Dean Hildebrand, IBM
Karsten Schwan, Geogia Tech
9:00am – 10:00am Keynote Speaker: Nisha Talagala, Fusion-io
The All-Flash Datacenter
10:00am - 10:30am POSTER SESSION 1
10:30am – 12:00pm SESSION 1: Dealing the Cards
Chair: Meghan McClelland
Efficient Transactions for Parallel Data Movement
Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories
Jai Dayal, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ivo Jemenez; Carlos Maltzahn, University of California,
Santa Cruz
Asynchronous Object Storage with QoS for
Scientific and Commercial Big Data
Michael J. Brim; David A. Dillow; Sarp Oral;
Bradley W. Settlemyer; Feiyi Wang, ORNL
Performance and Scalability Evaluation of the
Ceph Parallel File System
Feiyi Wang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mark Nelson, Ink Tank Inc
Sarp Oral; Scott Atchely, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Sage Weil, Ink Tank Inc.
Brad Settlemyer; Blake Caldwell; Jason Hill, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory
12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch (not provided)
1:30pm – 2:30pm SESSION 2: Shuffling the Deck
Chair: John Bent
Structuring PLFS for Extensibility
Chuck Cranor; Garth Gibson, Carnegie Mellon University
Milo Polte, WibiData
SDS: A Framework for Scientific Data Services
Bin Dong; Surendra Byna; Kesheng Wu, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
2:30pm – 3:00pm Poster Presentations
3:00pm - 3:30pm POSTER SESSION 2
3:30pm – 5:00pm SESSION 3: Playing with a Full Deck
Chair: Carlos Maltzahn
Predicting Intermediate Storage Performance for Workflow
Lauro Beltrao Costa; Samer Al-Kiswany, The University of
British Columbia
Abmar Barros, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Hao Yang; Matei Ripeanu, The University of British
Active Data: A Data-Centric Approach to Data Life-Cycle
Anthony Simonet; Gilles Fedak, INRIA/University of Lyon
Matei Ripeanu; Samer Al-Kiswany, University of British
Fourier-Assisted Machine Learning of Hard Disk
Drive Access Time Models
Adam Crume; Carlos Maltzahn, University of California,
Santa Cruz
Lee Ward; Thomas Kroeger; Matthew Curry; Ron Oldfield;
Patrick Widener, Sandia National Laboratories
5:00pm - 5:30pm Short Announcements
Program Committee:
Karsten Schwan, Georgia Tech (PC Chair)
Dean Hildebrand, IBM (PC Chair)
Ahmed Amer, Santa Clara University
John Bent, EMC
Randal Burns, Johns Hopkins University
Andreas Dilger, Intel
Fred Douglis, EMC
Garth Gibson, Carnegie Mellon University and Panasas Inc.
Peter Honeyman, University of Michigan
Song Jiang, Wayne State University
Sanjay Kumar, Intel
Carlos Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz
Meghan Wingate McClelland, Xyratex
Ron Oldfield, Sandia National Laboratories
Narasimha Reddy, Texas A&M University
Robert Ross, Argonne National Laboratory
Keith A. Smith, NetApp
Yuan Tian, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Steering committee:
John Bent, EMC
Scott Brandt, University of California, Santa Cruz
Evan J. Felix, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Garth A. Gibson, Carnegie Mellon University and Panasas Inc.
Gary Grider, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Peter Honeyman, University of Michigan
Bill Kramer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Darrell Long, University of California, Santa Cruz
Carlos Maltzahn, University of California, Santa Cruz
Rob Ross, Argonne National Laboratory
Philip C. Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
John Shalf, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lee Ward, Sandia National Laboratories
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