[Storage-research-list] DISCS-2013 call for papers
Chen, Yong
yong.chen at ttu.edu
Fri Aug 9 23:36:54 EDT 2013
[Apologize for any duplicated posts]
Dear Colleague,
The submission deadline of the International Workshop on
Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (DISCS) at the
ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SC'13) is **one week**
away. We welcome your submissions, and please find a detailed
call for papers below. If you have any questions please donĀ¹t
hesitate to contact us at discs2013 at easychair.org.
Thank You.
DISCS-2013 Co-chairs
The International Workshop on Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Systems
November 18, 2013
Colorado Convention Center, Denver CO, USA
Held in conjunction with SC13: The International Conference for
High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
In cooperation with ACM SIGHPC, http://sighpc.org
* Scope of the Workshop *
Existing high performance computing (HPC) systems are designed primarily
workloads requiring high rates of computation. However, the widening
performance gap between processors and storage, and trends toward higher
intensity in scientific and engineering applications, suggest there is a
to rethink HPC system architectures, programming models, runtime systems,
tools with a focus on data intensive computing. The Second International
Workshop on Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (DISCS) provides a
for researchers and other interested people in the areas of data intensive
computing and high performance parallel computing to exchange ideas and
approaches for addressing the challenges facing Big Data or data intensive
computing at large scale.
* Keynote *
Dr. Lucy Nowell will deliver the keynote address for DISCS-2013. Dr.
is program manager for Data and Visualization within the Advanced
Computing Research program, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.
* Topics of Interest *
The topics of interest for the DISCS-2013 workshop include, but are not
limited to:
* HPC system architectures for data intensive applications
* Data-centric system architectures
* I/O systems and architectures
* System area networks
* Power efficient systems
* Programming models supporting data intensive applications
* Data-centric programming models
* MPI extensions for data intensive applications
* GAS/PGAS programming model extensions for data intensive applications
* Non-traditional programming languages/methodologies
* Other programming models for data intensive applications
* Runtime systems supporting data intensive applications
* Communication systems for supporting data intensive applications
* Data compression and de-duplication
* Caching and prefetching
* Reliability and fault tolerance
* Data integrity and consistency
* Productivity tools supporting data intensive applications
* Data analytic tools
* Tracing and trace analysis tools
* Data mining and knowledge discovery tools
* Computational, mathematical and statistical techniques
* Data and tools supporting such techniques
* Data visualization techniques and tools supporting such techniques
* Journal Special Issue *
The authors of papers accepted to the DISCS-2013 workshop will be invited
submit manuscripts for a special issue of the journal Parallel Computing:
Systems & Applications, guest edited by the DISCS-2013 workshop chairs.
manuscripts submitted to the journal will be reviewed and selected based
on the
journal's acceptance criteria. The target submission deadline for the
papers is January 18, 2014.
* Submission Instructions *
Submissions should be unpublished work. Submissions should be in PDF
format on
US Letter sized paper (8.5"x11") with not more than 6 pages (all inclusive)
formatted according to the double-column format of the ACM SIG Proceedings
"Option 1: LaTeX2e - Strict Adherence to SIGS style" template. Margins and
fonts should not be modified from this style. All accepted papers will
in the workshop proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.
See the DISCS-2013 submission instruction page at
http://ft.ornl.gov/discs-2013/?q=submissions for submission details, a
link to
the ACM formatting template, and a link to the EasyChair web site for
submitting papers.
* Important Dates *
Paper Submission: August 16, 2013
Author Notification: October 4, 2013
Camera-Ready Copy: October 15, 2013
Workshop Date: November 18, 2013
* Organizers *
William D. Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology
Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory
Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
Philip C. Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Shane Canon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dan Feng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yuqing Gao, IBM
Rong Ge, Marquette University
Robert Hanisch, Space Telescope Science Institute
Dries Kimpe, Argonne National Laboratory
Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Quincey Koziol, HDF5 Group
Mike Lang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
John Leidel, Convey Computer
Wei-keng Liao, Northwestern University
Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories
Carlos Maltzahn, University of California at Santa Cruz
Fabrizio Petrini, IBM
Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology
Zhiqi Tao, Intel
Abhinav Vishnu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Weijun Xiao, Virginia Commonwealth University
Weikuan Yu, Auburn University
* Contact Us *
If you have questions about DISCS-2013, please send the workshop organizers
an email message at discs2013 at easychair.org
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