[Storage-research-list] SYSTOR deadline extended
Baker, Mary G (HP Labs Palo Alto)
mary.baker at hp.com
Thu Mar 21 01:13:05 EDT 2013
Due to a distressingly high number of requests, we're extending the SYSTOR deadline to March 25 (a Monday). Apparently Thursdays are *very bad* days for deadlines!
SYSTOR 2013 Call for papers - Sponsored by Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS, USENIX and the Technion Center of Excellence (TCE)
Industrial sponsorship from Google, IBM, Axcient, NetApp, EMC, HP, Riverbed, SAP and Intel
We invite you to submit original and innovative papers to SYSTOR 2013, the 6th Annual International Systems and Storage Conference. The conference will take place June 30 - July 2, 2013 in Haifa, Israel, shortly following the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2013) in Tel Aviv.
SYSTOR promotes experimental and practical computer systems research including (but not limited to) the following topics:
* operating systems, computer architecture, and their interactions
* distributed, parallel, and cloud systems
* networked, mobile, wireless, peer-to-peer, and sensor systems
* runtime systems and compiler/programming-language support
* energy/power management
* file and storage systems
* security, privacy, and trust
* virtualization
* embedded and real-time systems
* fault tolerance, reliability, and availability
* deployment, usage, and experience
* performance evaluation and workload characterization
SYSTOR is a home for high-quality international systems research of a practical nature and welcomes both academic and industrial contributions. We solicit paper submissions in three separate categories:
Full papers should report original, previously unpublished high-quality research, and be at most 10 pages of content, including everything except references, which may use additional pages. The program committee will review all submitted papers. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and included in the conference proceedings, to be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Short papers should report original, previously unpublished work for which a full paper may not be suitable. Short paper submissions may report on smaller ideas; unconventional ideas that are still in a preliminary stage of development; interesting negative results; experimental (in)validation of previous findings; controversial positions that challenge common wisdom; and fresh approaches for addressing old problems. Short papers may be at most 5 pages, excluding references. They will undergo the same review process as full papers. If accepted, short papers will be allocated a shorter talk slot during the conference and will also be published in the conference proceedings.
Highlight papers should contain exciting research results that have been accepted to a recent top-tier systems conference or journal. A small sub-committee will briefly review these submissions and will select the most suitable ones for SYSTOR. The corresponding presentations will then be "replayed" at SYSTOR for the benefit of the local community. A highlight paper submission should include the full citation of the published or accepted paper and a link to it. Accepted submissions will not be published in the proceedings.
Proceedings including all (non-highlight) accepted papers will be published by the ACM. Additionally, SYSTOR 2013 will host distinguished keynote speakers, a poster session, and several social events at the conference. Our goal is to provide an excellent forum for interaction across the systems community: international, academic, and industrial, for both students and more established members.
Paper submission: Submissions must be in PDF and printable on US letter sized paper. Authors should format their papers with the SIGPLAN template using 10pt font (both LaTeX and MS Word versions are available). LaTeX users: please use the "natbib" package, a link to which is available on the SYSTOR website. Please use the 'preprint' option of the \documentclass (the page numbers it produces are of great help to reviewers). Word users: please use page numbers to assist the reviewers.
Submitted papers must NOT have appeared in or be under consideration for appearing in another venue such as a workshop, conference, or journal.
Poster submissions: Authors who wish to present their work as posters are required to submit a one-page PDF with a description of their poster (*not* the poster itself). Submissions could represent early work that is not yet ready for submission to a refereed conference or journal, or describe a technical (non-marketing) innovation. Authors of accepted posters are expected to prepare and present their posters.
Paper submission (full and short): March 25, 2013 (11:59pm GMT)
Paper submission to highlights category: April 15, 2013 (11:59pm GMT)
Paper notification: April 29, 2013
Camera-ready submission: May 20, 2013 (11:59pm GMT)
Poster submission: May 20, 2013 (11:59pm GMT)
Poster notification: May 27, 2013
Mary Baker, HP Labs
Sivan Toledo, Tel Aviv University
Ronen Kat, IBM Research
Ahmed Amer, Santa Clara University
Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ozalp Babaoglu, University of Bologna
David Bacon, IBM Research
Bill Bolosky, Microsoft
Dan Boneh, Stanford University
Tim Brecht, University of Waterloo
David Breitgand, IBM Research
Ira Cohen, HP Labs, Israel
Dilma Da Silva, Qualcomm Research
Daniel Deutch, Ben-Gurion University
Erik Elmroth, Umeå University
Yoav Etsion, Technion
Bryan Ford, Yale
Zhenyu Guo, MSR China
Christos Karamanolis, VMware
Darrell Long, UCSC
Priya Mahadevan, PARC
Robert Morris, MIT
Toshio Nakatani, IBM Tokyo
Brian Noble, University of Michigan
Mathias Payer, University of California at Berkeley
Charlie Perkins, Futurewei Technologies
Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, IBM Research
Binoy Ravindran, Virginia Tech
Suzanne Rivoire, Sonoma State University
Mema Roussopoulos, University of Athens
Margo Seltzer, Harvard University and Oracle Labs
Marc Shapiro, INRIA & UPMC-LIP6
Mark Silberstein, University of Texas at Austin
Rolf Stadler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Andrew Warfield, UBC
Avishai Wool, Tel Aviv University
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