[Storage-research-list] CFP -- Workshop on Energy Efficient Mobile Computing
Ali R. Butt
butta at cs.vt.edu
Sat Mar 9 10:13:51 EST 2013
Workshop on Energy Efficient Mobile Computing
Held in conjunction with the
International Green Computing Conference - IGCC 2013
June 26, 2013, Arlington, VA, USA
Paper submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=igcc13ws
Mobile phones are becoming the next computing platform that is already dominating as our main source for communication and basic computing needs. We expect better functionality, performance as well as a longer battery life from our mobile and hand-held devices. Better functionality and performance usually come at the expense of battery life. The battery life is critical to providing all of the functionality the user is expecting.
To investigate the impact of such issues, the Workshop on Energy Efficient Mobile Computing is being organized to bring together researchers and practitioners to explore the challenges, opportunities, and approaches of energy-aware hardware, operating system, and software design for mobile devices. This workshop focuses on all aspects of application, OS, and hardware design that provide novel functionality without compromising energy efficiency.
• CPU/GPU hardware and software optimization.
• WiFi and Cellular transmissions optimization.
• Storage optimization.
• Display optimization.
• Novel approaches to providing security.
• Novel applications that increase productivity and enable mobility Hybrid local and remote storage solutions.
Call For Papers
The workshop invites authors to submit papers describing original, unpublished, work in all areas of energy efficient mobile computing, which is not concurrently under review elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
The papers should not exceed six single-spaced pages (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, 11-point fonts, IEEE 8.5 x 11 inch) including everything, e.g., abstract, research description, figures, tables, and references.
Each paper will be refereed by independent reviewers. Submission is a definite commitment for at least one of the authors to register to attend IGCC (workshops are included) and present the paper if it is accepted.
The workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society along with the IGCC conference proceedings.
Workshop Organizers
• Chris Gniady, University of Arizona
• Ali R. Butt, Virginia Tech
Important Dates
April 7, 2013 -- Paper submission deadline
May 1, 2013 -- Notification of acceptance
June 26, 2013 -- Workshop
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