[Storage-research-list] CfP: ICPE 2013 - Work In Progress & Vision Track
Kai Sachs
kai.sachs at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 02:11:56 EST 2013
- Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP -
CALL FOR PAPERS for Work In Progress & Vision Track
ICPE 2013
4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
Prague, Czech Republic, April 21-24, 2013
A Joint Meeting of WOSP/SIPEW sponsored by
ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM SIGSOFT in Cooperation with SPEC.
Submission 23 January 2013
The goal of the work-in-progress and vision track is two-fold:
1. To provide the opportunity for attendees to present and discuss preliminary results from their latest work obtaining some early feedback from the community
To provide the opportunity to present position papers on emerging hot topics in the field of performance engineering motivating new research directions
Work-in-progress papers present promising preliminary results that may not have been fully validated yet. Although full validation is not required, the work presented should be advanced enough to allow attendees to appreciate its scope and significance.
2. Vision papers present emerging research challenges and long-term research directions on topics relevant to the performance-engineering community. Submissions should clearly present the research questions and their rationale sketching possible approaches to their resolution. The goal of such papers is to motivate new research and generate debate and discussions on the latest challenges in the field of performance engineering.
In brief, the topics of interest include:
- Performance and software development processes
- Performance modeling and prediction
- Performance measurement and experimental analysis
- Benchmarking, configuration, sizing, and capacity planning
- System management and performance optimization
- Performance in cloud, virtualized and multi-core systems
- Performance and power
- Domain-specific performance modeling and evaluation
The full list of topics is available at
All contributions must be original, not published, accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and included in the ACM Digital Library.
Submit via Easychair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icpe2013.
Submissions must be in the standard ACM format for conference proceedings (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Papers should be clearly marked in the text as "Work-In-Progress Paper" or "Vision Paper", respectively. Papers should not exceed 4 pages double column including figures and tables.
Petr Tuma, Charles University, Czech Republic
Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK
J. Nelson Amaral, University of Alberta, Canada
Tony Field, Imperial College of London, UK
Seetharami R. Seelam, IBM Research, USA
Mirco Tribastone, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Germany
Kaustubh Joshi, AT&T Labs Research, USA
Evgenia Smirni, College of William and Mary, USA
Lubomir Bulej, Charles University, Czech Republic
John Murphy, University College Dublin, Ireland
Kai Sachs, SAP Research, Germany
Lucy Cherkasova, HP Labs, USA
Vittorio Cortellessa, Universita' dell'Aquila, Italy
Martin Arlitt, HP Labs, USA, and University of Calgary, Canada
Alberto Avritzer, Siemens Corporate Research, USA
Steffen Becker, University of Paderborn, Germany
Anne Benoit, ENS Lyon ñ LIP, France
Steve Blackburn, ANU, Australia
Andre Bondi, Siemens Corporate Research, USA
Edson Borin, Universidade de Campinas, Brazil
Jeremy Bradley, Imperial College London, UK
Lydia Chen, IBM Zurich, Switzerland
Lucy Cherkasova, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA
Lawrence Chung, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Susanna Donatelli, Universita' di Torino, Italy
Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester, USA
Dick Epema, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Dror Feitelson, Hebrew University, Israel
Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo, Canada
Stephen Gilmore, University of Edinburgh, UK
Lars Grunske, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Wilhelm Hasselbring, University of Kiel, Germany
Michael Hind, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Robert Hundt, Google Inc., USA
Alexandru Iosup, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Stephen Jarvis, University of Warwick, UK
Carlos Juiz, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
David Kaeli, Northeastern University, USA
William Knottenbelt, Imperial College London, UK
Samuel Kounev, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Heiko Koziolek, ABB Corporate Research, Germany
Anirban Mahanti, NICTA, Australia
Pat Martin, Queenís University, Canada
Daniel Menasce, George Mason University, USA
Raffaela Mirandola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
David Pearce, Victoria University of Wellington, N. Zealand
Dorina Petriu, Carleton University, Canada
Meikel Poess, Oracle Corporation, USA
Lawrence Rauchwerger, Texas A&M University, USA
Ralf Reussner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
George Riley, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Alma Riska, EMC, USA
Jerry Rolia, HP Labs, USA
Peter Sweeney, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Mirco Tribastone, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Germany
Catia Trubiani, Universitaí dellíAquila, Italy
Carey Williamson, University of Calgary, Canada
Murray Woodside, Carleton University, Canada
Peng Wu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
Xiaoyun Zhu, VMware, USA
Walter Bays, Oracle Corporation, USA
Andrew Bond, Red Hat, USA
Winnie Cheng, American Express, USA
Pankaj K. Garg, ZeeSource, USA
Klaus-Dieter Lange, HP, USA
Elmoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall, Intel, USA
Meikel Poess, Oracle Corporation, USA
Kai Sachs, SAP AG, Germany
Connie U. Smith, Performance Engineering Services, USA
Ian Whalley, Google, USA
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