[Storage-research-list] NSF HECURA program sunset

Grider, Gary A ggrider at lanl.gov
Wed Jan 25 18:43:44 EST 2012

Hello Almadena, hope you are well.

The job of the HECFSIO and HEC in general was to coordinate and promote HEC, so for HECFSIO it was to promote
HECFSIO, not just FSIO or storage.  After talking to the committee the consensus is that this message should not come from the HECFSIO team because it is promoting FSIO and storage without the HEC part, which is out of scope for our charter.

So the committee thinks it best that if you want this message to go to the community it should come from you and not us.
So the suggestion was that you send it to the storage research reflector, here is how:
Just email your message to storage-research-list at ece.cmu.edu<mailto:storage-research-list at ece.cmu.edu>   .


From: Chtchelkanova, Almadena Y. [mailto:achtchel at nsf.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 12:01 PM
To: Bent, John M; Grider, Gary A
Cc: Chtchelkanova, Almadena Y.; Dion-Schwarz, Cynthia; Hambrusch, Susanne E.
Subject: NSF HECURA program sunset

Dear Gary and John,

Could you please share the list of storage-research-list and hec-fsio list recipients?
Or can you send them the following message on my behalf?


Dear Colleagues,

Although there are no immediate plans to continue NSF HECURA  program, the topics of storage and FSIO  are (and always will be) accepted in core CISE programs: CSR and SHF. The HECURA was envisioned to stimulate the community in these areas and encourage participation in the core programs. We now see an increased number of proposals in these areas - we want to encourage you to submit your ideas to NSF core programs.

To find appropriate opportunities, search  the NSF website http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/ for currently active awards titles.  When the database is searched  for key words "storage", "I/O", "IO", and "file sys*", 108 active awards were produced in the total amount around $36,000,000.  There are 18 active HECURA awards in this list. This means that 90 awards were made in CISE and OCI core programs.  I hope that this number will assure you that storage and FSIO continue to be important and supported topics at the NSF.


Almadena Chtchelkanova, Ph.D.
Program Director
Computing and Communication Foundations
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard Suite 1115
Arlington, VA 22230
achtchel at nsf.gov<mailto:achtchel at nsf.gov>

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